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Pattern previews for A Little Book of Moon Inspired Shawls

Knitting, Knitting inspiration, Knitting pattern, Knitting projects

Pattern previews for A Little Book of Moon Inspired Shawls

A Little Book of Moon Inspired Shawls is an expression of gratitude for the moon in knitted form. This booklet includes nine shawl patterns inspired by the phases of the moon. 



The Rebirth shawl is shaped like an arrowhead, with increases at the sides and decreases along a central column. You cast on at the narrow tip and work your way across to the opposite edge. The shawl has blocks of garter stitch and stockinette stitch based lace. The eyelets in the lace blocks form delicate buds.

Shown in: Louhittaren Luola Tuulen Tytär in colourway Valaan Laulu (MC) and left-over sock yarn in a light and lightly speckled colour (CC).


This crescent-shaped shawl has an off-center lace block on a stockinette stitch base. The shape is formed with increases in the beginning and end of each row. The shawl is finished with an eye-catching fringe that is attached to the edge after the shawl is blocked.

Shown in: Nature’s Luxury Farouche in the colourway Frost.

Field of Blooms

Field of Blooms

This half-pi shawl is worked with increases worked on increase rows at various points in the shawl. The shawl is mostly worked in stockinette stitch and it has bobble spheres in two different sizes. The flowers are created using simple embroidery after the shawl is blocked.

Shown in: The Uncommon Thread Everyday Sport in the colourway Golden Praline.



Lakeshore is a crescent-shaped shawl with increases at the beginning and end of each row. It is worked using two different yarn (and/or two colors) alternating them to create a ripple-like effect. The shawl uses stripes, dropped stitches and lace to create the pattern.

Shown in: Knitting for Olive Merino in the colourway Oatmeal and Knitting for Olive Soft Silk Mohair in Linen.



This circular shawl is worked in the round from the center outwards. There is a spiral of popcorn stitch bobbles which are worked all on the right side of the shawl, so there’s no turning the work back and forth. The bobble spiral goes across stockinette and seed stitch rings.

Shown in: Aara Aatos in the colourway Karri.


This is an asymmetric triangle shawl that is worked in garter stitch from one point and to the opposite edge. Increases are made in the beginning of every right-side row. The long edges are decorated with columns of eyelets and the yarn ends from changing the colours are left to hang on the right side of the knitted fabric. The yarn changes are not predetermined, allowing room for your creativity, and thus being suitable for all lengths of scraps.

Shown in: Left-over yarn from the other shawls in this book.



Equipoise is a half-pi shawl with columns of slipped stitches and dropped stitches on a garter stitch base. Increases are made on increase rows that are worked throughout the shawl. The shawl is finished with an attached moon phase border that is worked in knit and purl stitches.

Shown in: Pom Pom Juno in the colourway Harvest Moons (gold sample). And Camellia Fiber Co Merino Sport in the colourway Terracotta (rust sample).

Fading Light

Fading Light

This two-colour shawl is a crescent-shaped with increases worked in the beginning and end of each row. The main body is worked in 4 x 4 rib, with garter stitch beams in a contrasting colour. These are worked using short rows and can be placed to follow the sample shawl or wherever wanted. The shawl is finished with a beautiful lace border in the contrasting colour.

Shown in: La Bien Aimée Helix in the colourway Moria (MC) and Yellow Brick Road (CC).



This circular shawl is worked in the round from the center outwards in stockinette stitch and reverse stockinette stitch sections. Increases are made along curving yarn over columns. The triangular applied border is worked last. The shawl is completely reversible, but the instructions refer to RS and WS for clarity.

Shown in: Nature’s Luxury On Stage – Short Stories in the colourway Night Shift.

Learn more:

A Little Book of Moon Inspired Shawls
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