The Magic of Swiss Darning (Duplicate Stitch)
Swiss Darning, also known as duplicate stitch, is a beautiful technique that adds a painterly effect to knitted designs. Learn from Dee Hardwicke how to master this simple yet elegant technique!

5 Tips for Mending
Picking up a needle and thread to fix a hole is seldom considered anyone’s favourite pastime, but repairing a beloved garment can be extremely gratifying.

5 Tips for Embroidery Beginners
Curious to learn embroidery but not sure where to start? What are some things you should consider before starting to stitch? Judit Gummlich, the author of Embroidery on Knits shares five tips to get started.

5 Tips on Creating Your Own Knits!
We reached out to a few established knitwear designers to share their top tips for creating your first knitting pattern.

Brush, Air Out and Wash – 5 Tips for Garment Care
Keep your favourite knits around for longer by taking care of them the right way.

Best Crochet Resources by Molla Mills
Interested in crochet but don’t know where to start? Look no further! The expert of the crochet world, Molla Mills, is here to share her favourite resources.

English to Finnish Knitting Dictionary
Here is a list of some basic knitting terms from English to Finnish.

Customising Socks
Here are some basic tips for making modifications to a sock pattern.

Finishing Your Knit
When you’ve finished knitting your project, there are things you can do to it, to make it look as beautiful as it can be. Here are the steps to follow!!